The List!
I've organized the list into categories. Click the link for the list.
- Finish classwork
- Do a masters project
- Teach at least one class
- Pass comprehensive exams
- Start completing assignments prior to the evening before they're due
- Publish at least two papers, one with first authorship
- Present at an academic conference
- Attend graduate women's cohort in 2006 (and 2007 if there is one)
- Continue to raise GPA
- Begin writing dissertation
- Get a really good set of cookware
- Conquer piecrust
- Develop a set of at least 5 meals that I can cook well, without a recipe
- Use all the small appliances I have, or get rid of the ones I don't
- Become knowledgeable about wine
- Try a new beer every month
- Cook Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner
- Learn to make sushi
- Cook real food 2x/week
- Invent a drink
- Try two new cuisines
- Try uni (sea urchin)
- Successfully grow a kitchen herb garden
- Go to a Barenaked Ladies concert
- Go to a Bon Jovi concert
- Watch every DVD I own (including every disc of multi-disc sets)
- Attend any play Tracy is in
- Continue with Disney DVD collection
- See a Red Sox game in a ballpark besides Fenway
- See another Red Sox game in Fenway
- See a Yankees game in Fenway
- Listen to all MP3s on computer
- Watch a foreign film
- Watch all the Star Trek movies
- Watch all the Harry Potter movies on the same day (just want to make a note of this one: As of the writing of this list, the first 3 are out on video and GOF is in theaters. However, by the end of the 1001 days OOTP should be out at least in theaters, so if I complete this item prior to that I reserve the right to recomplete this item...or not. Whatever I decide. It's my list, dammit.)
- Bowl a game over 100
- Over 150
- Watch DVRed items within two weeks or delete them unwatched
- Pay off credit cards
- Stop taking out student loans
- Stop spending money on unnecessary things
- Have a yard sale
- Buy a car
- Save $20/week
- Get renters insurance
- Buy stock (even if it's one share)
- Lose at least 70 pounds
- Begin a 3x/week workout program
- Figure out a better birth control method for me (perhaps IUD)
- Learn how to cook vegetables in tasty ways
- Start drinking more tea
- Take up yoga
- Cut back on soda
- Fix bicycle and ride 1x/week during the summer
- Get on a regular sleep schedule
- Eat vegetarian for a week
- Get a professional massage
- Floss every day for a month
- Knit a sock a month
- Learn Fair Isle and Intarsia
- Keep stash at same number or lower
- Complete 3 projects before buying yarn for another (ongoing, not just once)
- Knit a lace shawl with actual laceweight yarn
- Design and knit a sweater for myself
- Design a pattern with an eye to
- Take a spinning class
- Knit a sweater for someone else (adult-sized)
- Knit a pair of gloves
- Start doing hard sudokus and crosswords, rather than medium or easy
- Read 10 biographies or memoirs
- Participate in NaNoWriMo
- Brush up my Spanish knowledge
- Write at least two freeware/open source programs
- Get in the habit of updating my portage tree at least 1x/week
- Read the Lord of the Rings series (including the Hobbit)
- Buy a T-shirt from a webcomic I read (QC is the most likely)
- Buy a Firefox T-shirt
- Learn a programming language outside of class
- Either read every book I have or get rid of those I haven't read
- Purge clothing once a season until all I have left is what I actually wear
- Organize kitchen and get rid of all expired/never-gonna-eat food
- Purge makeup collection
- Spend a weekend Clean Sweep-style
- Find a storage system that actually works for me
- Learn to fold a fitted sheet properly
- Put together a filing system
- Get engaged
- Get in the habit of making the bed every day
- Get drivers license
- Take at least one decent-length trip
- Meet at least 2 Livejournal friends
- Make and send a mix CD to each of 5 Livejournal friends
- Spend a weekend in Boston
- Begin a paper journal and write in it at least weekly
- Get through the advanced sheet at swing class
- Get into the habit of vacuuming entire apartment once/2 weeks
- Have a decadent day of beauty
- Swim (or at least wade) in the ocean--which involves going to a place where the ocean is a lot warmer than in Maine
- Throw a surprise party for someone
- Go to McDonald's in formal dress
- Call mother at least every 2 weeks
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