Saturday, December 03, 2005

The List!

I've organized the list into categories. Click the link for the list.

  1. Finish classwork
  2. Do a masters project
  3. Teach at least one class
  4. Pass comprehensive exams
  5. Start completing assignments prior to the evening before they're due
  6. Publish at least two papers, one with first authorship
  7. Present at an academic conference
  8. Attend graduate women's cohort in 2006 (and 2007 if there is one)
  9. Continue to raise GPA
  10. Begin writing dissertation
  1. Get a really good set of cookware
  2. Conquer piecrust
  3. Develop a set of at least 5 meals that I can cook well, without a recipe
  4. Use all the small appliances I have, or get rid of the ones I don't
  5. Become knowledgeable about wine
  6. Try a new beer every month
  7. Cook Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner
  8. Learn to make sushi
  9. Cook real food 2x/week
  10. Invent a drink
  11. Try two new cuisines
  12. Try uni (sea urchin)
  13. Successfully grow a kitchen herb garden
  1. Go to a Barenaked Ladies concert
  2. Go to a Bon Jovi concert
  3. Watch every DVD I own (including every disc of multi-disc sets)
  4. Attend any play Tracy is in
  5. Continue with Disney DVD collection
  6. See a Red Sox game in a ballpark besides Fenway
  7. See another Red Sox game in Fenway
  8. See a Yankees game in Fenway
  9. Listen to all MP3s on computer
  10. Watch a foreign film
  11. Watch all the Star Trek movies
  12. Watch all the Harry Potter movies on the same day (just want to make a note of this one: As of the writing of this list, the first 3 are out on video and GOF is in theaters. However, by the end of the 1001 days OOTP should be out at least in theaters, so if I complete this item prior to that I reserve the right to recomplete this item...or not. Whatever I decide. It's my list, dammit.)
  13. Bowl a game over 100
  14. Over 150
  15. Watch DVRed items within two weeks or delete them unwatched
  1. Pay off credit cards
  2. Stop taking out student loans
  3. Stop spending money on unnecessary things
  4. Have a yard sale
  5. Buy a car
  6. Save $20/week
  7. Get renters insurance
  8. Buy stock (even if it's one share)
  1. Lose at least 70 pounds
  2. Begin a 3x/week workout program
  3. Figure out a better birth control method for me (perhaps IUD)
  4. Learn how to cook vegetables in tasty ways
  5. Start drinking more tea
  6. Take up yoga
  7. Cut back on soda
  8. Fix bicycle and ride 1x/week during the summer
  9. Get on a regular sleep schedule
  10. Eat vegetarian for a week
  11. Get a professional massage
  12. Floss every day for a month
  1. Knit a sock a month
  2. Learn Fair Isle and Intarsia
  3. Keep stash at same number or lower
  4. Complete 3 projects before buying yarn for another (ongoing, not just once)
  5. Knit a lace shawl with actual laceweight yarn
  6. Design and knit a sweater for myself
  7. Design a pattern with an eye to
  8. Take a spinning class
  9. Knit a sweater for someone else (adult-sized)
  10. Knit a pair of gloves
  1. Start doing hard sudokus and crosswords, rather than medium or easy
  2. Read 10 biographies or memoirs
  3. Participate in NaNoWriMo
  4. Brush up my Spanish knowledge
  5. Write at least two freeware/open source programs
  6. Get in the habit of updating my portage tree at least 1x/week
  7. Read the Lord of the Rings series (including the Hobbit)
  8. Buy a T-shirt from a webcomic I read (QC is the most likely)
  9. Buy a Firefox T-shirt
  10. Learn a programming language outside of class
Organization/simple living
  1. Either read every book I have or get rid of those I haven't read
  2. Purge clothing once a season until all I have left is what I actually wear
  3. Organize kitchen and get rid of all expired/never-gonna-eat food
  4. Purge makeup collection
  5. Spend a weekend Clean Sweep-style
  6. Find a storage system that actually works for me
  7. Learn to fold a fitted sheet properly
  8. Put together a filing system
  1. Get engaged
  2. Get in the habit of making the bed every day
  3. Get drivers license
  4. Take at least one decent-length trip
  5. Meet at least 2 Livejournal friends
  6. Make and send a mix CD to each of 5 Livejournal friends
  7. Spend a weekend in Boston
  8. Begin a paper journal and write in it at least weekly
  9. Get through the advanced sheet at swing class
  10. Get into the habit of vacuuming entire apartment once/2 weeks
  11. Have a decadent day of beauty
  12. Swim (or at least wade) in the ocean--which involves going to a place where the ocean is a lot warmer than in Maine
  13. Throw a surprise party for someone
  14. Go to McDonald's in formal dress
  15. Call mother at least every 2 weeks


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